Neil Seward

YAML Editor

2019 Filming

A project I made showcasing footage from 2019.

Shifting to DevOps.

After working a year in data analytics/science, I shifted jobs to work in DevOps.

Anti-Money Laundering.

Once I defender my thesis, I decided to pursure something I did hobby research in as a career.

2018 Filming

A project I made showcasing footage from summer 2018.

Hive and Tableau

A tutorial on setting up a hive cluster on AWS, importing data, and using Tableau to visualize shot data stored on Hive.

2017 Filming

A collection of the street montages I filmed with some friends in Oshawa over the summer.

JSON Messaging Using RabbitMQ

Tutorial on setting up raspberry Pi to create an access system that is operated through RabbitMQ messages sent by Python producers and consumers.

2016 Filming

A collection of the street montages I filmed with some friends in Oshawa over the summer.

Setting Up Hive Locally

An exploratory tutorial on setting a single node cluster on a local machine to store NBA data.

Starting Sports Analytics Research as Graduate Student at UOIT

After I completed my undergraduate degree at UOIT, I decided to continue research in machine learning and sports analytics.

Scraping and Analyzing Rap Genius Lyrics

A small project I did that creates a sentiment graph and a wordmap of rap genius lyrics.

Double Standard

A local skate video out of London, Ontario made by Jordan Guzyk.

Ontario Engineering Competition

After hosting and actually creating the programming section of the competition in 2014, I finally got to participate in the wonderful event. Our team did excellent and we ended up taking 2nd place among 12 other programming teams across the province.