I defended my master's this summer, so I was not able to film as much as I wanted to. Regardless, everyone that came out with me this summer fucking killed it.
We were fortunate to travel to a lot of different cities and towns during the summer. One weekend we were able to schedule a weekend trip to Chatham/Windsor. My parents were cool with all these dudes from Oshawa taking space on their couch, which was awesome. One of the best things I ever filmed occured during that trip. I wanted Dillon to do the Sears rail in Chatham, which has not been done since 2002, when Thadd Lenover did it. Dillon wasn't having it, so I started hyping Mikey up to do the over rail at the Municipal buildings. I told Mike that he would be a legend in Chatham if he ollied over this year. Sure enough he did it and one of my childhood dreams was realized.
I didn't film any Super 8 footage in 2018, so most of the 8mm footage is from 2017. In the video, I tried to use my BPMC Fluxus a lot. I think in the future I want to expand the different synthesizers I use. There are some sick title synthesizers that would be great. Anyways, here's the video that came from everyone's hard work.